Friday, March 20, 2009


Wow, it has been almost a month since my last entry. Was I that busy? Oh well.

Finals. Francis Magalona. Eraserheads. Summer. Job. So basically, those are what I'm going to talk about tonight (it's 11:39 PM here).

We're supposedly down to our last week in school this week. Because of that sudden transport strike, we had no classes yesterday. Hence, our Bio 400 final exam is moved on Monday, same time, same place. Why oh why did the drivers schedule their strike yesterday? We would've been free next week. Instead, we still got this one subject to worry about. Rubbish.

About two or three weeks, Francis Magalona, the Master Rapper of the Philippines, finally joined our Creator. Delayed blogging, I know. Nevertheless, this is my way of paying my respects to him. I'm not the biggest fan that you know. Heck, I only know two songs from him, one is even a collaboration with Gloc 9. But one thing's for sure, I admire his passion. He has been very passionate about a lot of stuff, especially music. His songs mostly talk about his homeland. Isn't that patriotic? It's amazing that even when under chemotherapy, he still managed to make a special project with Ely Buendia. Talented, Francis M is. He still managed to openly talk about his sufferings and undergoings, too. Such a strong guy. Well, you will be greatly missed Francis M.

How could I miss the most epic reunion concert of all? Of course, it's the Eraserheads ya'll! I'm a major loser. I wasn't able to watch the greatest concert ever! PE night's such a bitch since it was held on the same night as the concert. And I didn't know that there was a live streaming online. If I had known that bit, I would've gotten home earlier! Total crap.

Summer and job are two interrelated words in my vocabulary. Since it's summer, I have no source of income. Oh, not really. Since my dad promised me that he would still give me my regular allowance. Ha ha! But I gotta admit, that isn't sufficient! I still need to earn some moolah. I want to buy something I've been dying to have -- DSLR camera. Someone, please, give me a summer job!


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