Monday, January 26, 2009


I know, the Internet is something very vast and common to people. And with that, people tend to go with the flow. I noticed a lot of people having multiple accounts on Friendster, talking through comments (some are even obsessed with them, begging everyone to give them a comment). Like, that's crap. I used to that, I admit. But please, that was years ago. It's safe to say that I was among those people who first did those stuff aforementioned.

And lately (not exactly), I noticed that people joined that bandwagon. For example, Multiply. Before, I hardly know people who had Multiply accounts. Then all of the sudden I get invites from friends and other whatnots. It's funny that they just create those just to say that they have one. And after that, all they do is talk there, just like in Friendster. They barely use it for posting stuff. It's stupid of them to do that. Yeah, they do post something, but about what? Themselves mainly. Photo albums are flooded by their faces and their vanity as well. Yeah, very meaningful.

Another outlet of the trend is Facebook. I've been Facebooking for a little over a year. It ceased for a while because I got lazy updating it and then eventually Facebook had to disable it because my school wasn't verified since my school isn't in the list. Mylah got me into making a new one because she said I was missing a lot of action. So it was true. I found out a few nifty things that I won't find in Multiply or wherever. But anyway, that's not my focus here. Over the Christmas break last year, I was bombarded with friend requests from some of my schoolmates way back in high school. What's with that? Can't you contain yourselves in Friendster? It's already bad enough that you indulge yourselves in Friendster, and then segue a bit to another site that offers basically the same thing. You don't get the logic in that, do you? I don't neither.

I've grown tired and very annoyed of that crap already. They just create and create and never bother updating it in anyway. It's just there, rotting like molded bread and spoiled milk. Get what I'm saying? I'm guilty for not updating my accounts regularly because, well, I'm pretty busy now that I'm in college. I don't have the luxury of time to do such things. I barely have time talking to some people over the Net. Sheesh. Get a grip of yourselves.

I probably should hang myself with a rope and eat white chocolate while slowly dying.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Christine came over to my house yesterday. We practically spent the whole day together! Pretty fun and exciting. She had tons of stories to tell (about her crush) and I was there ready to listen and feel the magic that she was experiencing as well.

We talked about a handful of stuff like her incoming Prom and my debut! Oh my God, I'm actually turning 18 in about a little over 6 months. She helped me with my party, and I helped her with her attire on Prom.

I was psyched to hear that she wants me to "design" her gown. Well, we brainstormed, surfed over the Internet for designs. We saw some eye-catching gowns. I modified the ones she liked. I also did a few designs for her. She's pretty psyched as well. Wow, Prom in a month! Exciting. :D

As for my debut, here's the lowdown of our plans. The title of my party is "LEEgalized". And I love it! We thought of several titles like "Lee Rocks @ 18" and "Lee Twinkles @ 18". But the last part's too childlike for me so I dropped it off. My theme is somewhat like a dark theme. Black and red, and of course, stars! And then my 18 roses would be interesting. Instead of dancing with my 18 roses, I'll let them sing me a song! Talk about sweet torture. *evil laugh* The 18 candles would be different. I'll have a bar pin for each the girls with their names in it and a something that I want to tell them, then they'll light the candles of my 18 cakes. The 18 treasures is the traditional one. And oh! I'll have 12 shots, each shot representing a letter from my name, Leanna Sophia. So far, that's the plan. I have a list of my possible guests. I won't be celebrating my birthday on the day itself, though. It's on a Thursday. So yeah, it's a bit of a hassle for my guests since they have school and work the following morning. So instead of celebrating it on the 13th, it'll be moved on the 15th. That's a Saturday. We'll party till dawn! Haha. Kidding. :)


Saturday, January 10, 2009


Wow. My brain's practically dead right now. Looks like I overused it this time. The whole afternoon, I edited my photos after so long a time (just for fun) and I styled my hair like crazy. I ironed it, tied it, curled it, tied it again, then ironed it again. So okay, I was bored. That's why I did that. I was also thinking of doing those hair styles for the photo shoot.

Speaking of the photo shoot, Jose and I are planning to have one! I dunno when that's going to happen because he has Saturday classes. (I don't have Saturday classes :p ) He gets off at around 6 in the evening. So yeah, maybe the shoot will happen this summer. Or not. Depends. :)

I tried to cover Flyleaf's So I Thought and Much Like Falling. I couldn't find decents chords and/or tabs for those songs. It's either they're too hard (or fast) for me, or they aren't just right. I want to video myself covering those songs. YEAH RIGHT. DREAM ON, LEE!

After dinner, I decided to make one of the reports that was due next week. I think the report was the eternal cause of this brain death. It's a Filipino report. I must admit, I'm not that good in writing in Filipino, but at least it's decent enough. I still have to make a Power Point presentation for that Filipino report. I got two papers due for Bio 400. One is a reaction paper on marshlands in Agusan, and the other is for our group reporting on deserts. How can I make a reaction paper when I slept halfway through the documentary? Crap.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

HEY 2009!

It's already the 8th of January. I honestly forgot to blog on the very first day of the new year. Haha. Pardon me for my stupidity. I've been spacing out a lot. Sometimes, I even am not aware of what I'm doing. Great.

Hey, it's a fresh year. I won't (or didn't) start the year with a list of New Year's resolutions. I'll just carry over whatever I had the previous year and continue them. I'll start new and exciting things in my own time. I won't pressure myself in doing this or that, or in trying to change myself for the "better". That's lame. The resolutions are not necessarily made during the new year. You can make them any time. It's just up to you to make a move on. If you're determined, you'll achieve it for sure.

I'm curious. What's in store for me this 2009? Being legal is a given fact. Yes, I'm turning 18 come August. I still want to be a minor, but I gotta admit it, being legal has its advantages, too. But I won't dwell on that matter too much. There's still a few months to spare. Moving on, what's gonna happen to me this year? Will I have my love life back? Hahahaha. Crap. Whatever, Lee. :D

To be frank, I'm excited for this year! I dunno why. Weird. Haha. I think this year will be fun. But then again, maybe I'll stand corrected. Let's just see (or read on) as this year will unravel upon me (or us).