Thursday, October 22, 2009

I forgot I still had this LOL

I seriously forgot that I still had this BlogSpot account! LOL. Talk about fail.

Sorry, but I've moved to LiveJournal. I forgot when was that, but yeah. Actually, I don't update it frequently either. I'm just too lazy to write long stuffs about my life right now. I prefer Twitter now since I love to rant and rave about random stuff, mostly KPop related. LOL! Sorry, but it KPop has been my addiction for that past few months.

And it's amazing that my typing style has been influenced by KPop. Like seriously, I use LOL, ROFL, LMAO, FML and other shiz more frequently. *Wow, I just realized that I lurked around the 2OD sbox for too long that I've picked up their typing style as well. Gaaah!* And I'm more used to typing and talking in English right now since I joined (or became active for that matter). Yeah, I've been interacting in English more often since it's an international fan base for One Day (2AM and 2PM). I even catch myself talking in English with others. Sheesh. See how much influence 2OD had on me? Gaaah!

I'm blabbering again. =_= (Another sign that I'm influenced by the people at the sbox.)


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