Sunday, November 30, 2008


These were the things that I noticed in the movie. A lot of scenes were deleted and altered. Some were even added. They are arranged in no particular order.

1. The Blacks - Bella meeting Jacob should be at the La Push trip. Billy, after the La Push trip. Not when Bella arrived at Forks.

2. First Kiss - Bella and Edward's first kiss was when they just got out of the meadow. Ever noticed Bella's outfit in the scene where they were passionately kissing? She was wearing pajamas, for Christ's sake! Not just a shirt and her underwear.

3. Seeing the Cullens - The Cullens came from outside the cafeteria. They should be already siting at the cafeteria when Bella arrived. And they weren't supposed to be talking and having fun with each other. They were just silently sitting by their table.

4. Other friends - Lauren wasn’t around so was Ben.

5. Slippery ride - The car accident was supposed to happen before the start of class, not after. Edward didn't leave Bella, they talked for a while and Edward actually brought Bella to the hospital.

6. Nausea with blood - The blood-testing classroom setting was missing. I was waiting for the scene instead they gave up plants.

7. Compost pits - There is no botany trip on the book, nor the Cullens riding on a school bus.

8. Kisses everywhere - Tyler kissing Bella on the cheeks in the cafeteria. No one besides Edward & Jacob kissed Bella in the book.

9. Technology upgrades - Bella had no cellphone & her computer should be ancient - not a Mac book.

10. First meeting - Bella meets Alice at school, not at the Cullens’ home. Though I can’t remember how others met Bella.

11. Quileute history - No such book is dedicated for the Quileutes that you can buy on a specialty book store. And Bella, didn’t find anything on the book store at Port Angeles.

12. Special place - The meadow scene is just near the school, which is awkward. They just walked from the school to their "special" meadow. The trail to the meadow was near either Bella's or Edward's house, I'm not quite certain where. Bella was the one who led them to the trail and the running came after when they were about to go back to Bella's truck.

13. Unusual prom - Jacob popped out at the prom scene outside the dance floor when Edward goes away for a while, and before Edward & Bella danced. In the book, Edward even let Jacob & Bella talk at each other because Edward heard what’s on their minds. Billy isn’t there.

14. Refreshments - Edward ordered Coke while they were in the resto in Port Angeles. Period. And did you notice the waitress? Was that how they define HOT? Eww much.

15. Runaway girlfriend - I waited for the scene where Bella would run away from Jasper & Alice in the airport & the scene where Bella & Edward were longing for each other over the phone. Nothing happened.

16. Killer Alice - I thought it was Emmett & Jasper who killed James but Alice was the one who broke James’s neck.

17. Fashionable Victoria - Victoria hides around the corner wearing a gown when Edward & Bella is dancing at the prom, which I also can’t remember from the book. On other scenes, Victoria wears a green top over a fur coat bearing a print I found weird for a vampire to wear.

18. Charlie’s unknown friend - A friend of Charlie’s was killed by Laurent’s coven during a fishing trip. The only friend of Charlie that was killed is Harry Clearwater in Eclipse.

19. Eating out - Bella cooks at their home because Charlie’s cooking is not quite edible - in the book. Bella eats hamburger, fries & fixins & Charlie eats salad - in the movie.

20. Short cameo -Author Stephenie Meyer made a short cameo role on the movie, eating on a restaurant where Charlie & Bella also ate.

21. Bella's Mom - Bella and Renee weren't supposed to be talking with each other through their cellphones. Again, Bella didn't have a cellphone. They were supposed to be communicating through emails.

22. Killings - There weren't any mentioned killings prior to the hunt. At all.

23. Famous Line - Edward didn't say the line "You are my life now" when Bella was about to leave. He said that when they were in the meadow, in response to what Bella said.

24. Bella's truck - It was supposed to be there when Bella arrived from Arizona. It was a homecoming present from Charlie.

25. The Departure - Bella and the others were supposed to be at the Cullens' living room when they were about to go. Edward lifted Bella and kissed her lips lightly before saying goodbye. The scene was so just wrong. They shouldn't be in the garage. Edward shouldn't have said the famous line in that scene.

26. Theories - No theories were mentioned in the movie.

27. Edward's Age - Bella asked Edward's age when they were in Edward's car as they were about to go home from Port Angeles.

Well, that's about it. I guess. I'll add more as soon as I remember any more and if I get to watch the movie again.


28. Gym Class - Gym should be Bella's last class. It came first in the movie.

29. Her Scent - When Bella stepped into their Biology room, Edward looked so disgusted with her. Bella thought that she was too stinky because Edward put his hand over his nose and mouth. Edward was supposed to be clutching the edge of the table and was looking away, not looking at Bella.

30. Golden Onion - What's up with that? There weren't any prize given during Biology.

31. Pizza Time - I wanted to see what Edward would look like when he ate the pizza in one of the cafeteria scenes in the book. Meyer said that vampires would just eventually cough out the food they "ate".

32. Salad Bowl - Why was cooking involved in the scene where Bella visits the Cullens' household for the first time? They were supposed to be in the living room, waiting for Bella's arrival.

33. The Volturi - The Volturi was supposed to be mentioned. Carlisle's history went missing in the movie.


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