Friday, November 28, 2008


For this entry, I'll be writing this as a review (for me, the very least).

The movie wasn't shown here in the Philippines until the 26th. So we had to wait for 5 longs days. It was the talk of the town, really. Everyone I know were just as excited as I was.

Honestly, I was expecting that it would turn out fantastic -- surpassing my expectations. And apparently, I didn't reach my expectations. I wasn't psyched. The turnout was a tad bit terrible. A lot of scenes were altered, and deleted as well. Part of me knew that a lot of scenes will be deleted. Every adaptation turned out like that.

A lot of lines weren't said at the right scene. Like when Edward said "You are my life now", he said that to Bella when they were in Edward's meadow; not in the garage of Carlisle. And speaking of which, Bella and the Cullens weren't at the garage when they parted ways. They were supposed to be in the living room, no cars involved just yet.

I would not go further into the flaws of the movie. There were just too many of them. I bet you a hundred bucks that the people who watched the movie but didn't read the book would be swept off their feet. They didn't know what the real catch was.

It's very dismaying. If I were to rate the movie, I'd give it 2 out of 5 stars. Sticking to the exact story wasn't their deal.

I loathe the movie, but I love the book. ;)



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