Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I recently read Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. I know, that book is very popular since I-don't-know-when. Haha. I finally gave in because my classmates kept on persuading me to read it. And I am surprised to tell you that I actually liked it. No, I love it!

Edward Cullen's so dreamy. Oh Stephenie, why did you make such a lovely character!? He's hotter that hot, icier than ice, and other superlatives that come through. Edward is very lovable. You just got to love him! :))

As for the book, Twilight pretty well-written. This book threw the Harry Potter series out of the window. It's really fit for the teens these days. For me, the highlight of the story is Edward and Bella's love story. The hunt really has no impact, and it still leads to their love story.

Well anyway, I'm excited to read New Moon... or not. :)) I've heard that New Moon is the most boring book from the saga. Let's see if that's really true. I have to read it soon! :))


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